Panzer Dragoon II Zwei is the 2nd title in the series which improved the level designs and
added more weaponry. The first game defined the Saturn in its infancy and is still one of the best games for the system. Games
like these were the strength of the Saturn and is a must own..................................9.5 rating*
Andretti Racing on the Saturn is a really good Formula 1 racing game, though the PSone version looks a little
better and a better framerate but this version is good for the Saturn owner. While this may turn off some it seems to be a
good choice really. This version is hard to find while you can find the one PSone all day in the bargain bin. I first
played the Saturn title and love it to this day. Intense racing with a few tune up options like gear ratio and tail configuration.
Buy this now..................8.0 rating *
Good game
Steep Slope Sliders
(PAL packaging)
Steep Slope Sliders is a fun snowboarding game for the Saturn. The tracks are well designed
for racing and pulling off tricks. The trick system is one the most intuitive control schemes i have ever played. This
game is a lot better then Cool Boarders on the PSone in the most important
area.....gameplay. The graphics are good but not quite as good as Cool Boarders. There is a lot of extras to unlock and the
music is really good. I think this is the only snow boarding game for the Saturn so i recommend this one for your collection..........................8.5 rating *
really good
Nights into Dreams
Nights into Dreams was the first game to use the 3D controller that was packed in the game.
This game was hyped as a new experience and was to sell the Saturn like hotcakes, well it didn't break sales records but in
my opinion, it did bring a new style of gaming. Though this game isn't full 3D, it did have a 2.5D effect. The flight
of the character is some of the most fun i've had playing a game. Collecting spheres and bringing them back to a cage with
style doesn't sound very fun but once you have tried this game then you'll understand the allure of this. It has boss battles
and quick mini games and a scoring system that completes this game. A must own..................10 rating*
Doom had been on the 3DO,Jaguar,32X and Playstation by the time it arrived on the Saturn.
The 3DO and 32X versions were bad and the hardware limitations might have beeb a reason for this but the Saturn version has
no excuse, especially since Quake & Powerslave were great FPS games that proved that the Saturn could do this style of
game easily. The game itself looks fine until you decide to move your character. The framerate is just plain stinky. This
was the case with Hexen as well and i guess they just wanted to squeeze out a little more money out of Doom, what a shame......................................3.0
rating *
Fighting Vipers
Fighting Vipers on the Saturn is one fast fighting game. I always prefered this over the
slow methodical srtle of Virtua Fighter (which is a great game). The fighters are nicely detailed for a Saturn game and the
action is fast paced. The arenas are a part of the gameplay and an opponent can be thrown through walls and cages..long before
"Dead Or Alive" came out and showed this unique option in fighting games. The Saturn had quite a few good fighting games and
this is one of them...............8.5 rating
The best rally game for the 32 bit generation as long as you like the arcade style
of control. The graphics are top notch for the Saturn and the gameplay is still great. Though the Playstation eventually got
quality rally games, it never had this gem. There is two versions of this game, the regular game and a Netlink version where you could play against another person with a modem. Recommended.............................................9.0
Duke Nukem 3D is one of the better first person shooters on the Saturn and is actually
better than the Playstation version. All the PC levels are here and the guns and enemies as well. The gameplay is tight and
doesn't take much of getting use to before you're blasting aliens and flashing money at dancers. The biggest difference between
the Saturn version and the Playstation Duke is the Netlink two player
battle over the net. Though just two player battles doesn't sound great these days it was something new to consoles back in
96'. I recommend this version highly...................................................................9.0
Warcraft II: The Tides of Darkness
Command & Conquer was one of the best real time strategy games ever made so blizzard
came up with a franchise to compliment that game. Warcraft II wa a huge improvement over the first game in many areas and
the Saturn version is a nice translation from the PC. I didn't mind using the controller since the layout was thoughfully
made. World of Warcraft really started with this masterpeice and you shouldn't miss out on this gaming pleasure if you own
a Saturn...Recommended..........9.5
Gun Griffon
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The Saturn has always been unfairly compared to the PSone graphically and games like
"Krazy Ivan" showed that the PSone did mech games well early on in both the consoles life. The one game that seemed to look
great and disprove this myth is Gun Griffon. The graphics are really good for a 32 bit game. Also the game controls
very well and the missions are varied and , most important, very fun. If you like games in the mech genre like "Mech
warrior" then you won't be disappointed and actually surprised. I recommend this game.............................9.0
Manx TT Superbike
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The Sega Saturn is known for its own Arcade ports and are always great games...with
a downside. While the graphics are some of the best for the Saturn and the control is perfect but the downside like all arcade
ports on the system suffers from being woefully short on content. Manx TT has 2 tracks, thats it! You have the otion to race
them in mirror mode but Sega was known for this problem with the Saturn. I do recommend the game though and usually you can
find this game on ebay
for 10 bucks or less so its worth it. Recommended....................8.0
Need for Speed
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The Saturn has quite a few good racing games and this port from the original 3DO game
is a lot of fun and has a minor graphics upgrade though slightly inferior to the PSone version. The game has a good amount
of tracks and cars, especially for a Saturn game. Though the control seems stiff to most arcade fans it does get better after
you unlock cars later in the game. The tracks are varied with mountain, forest, desert, snow and even a Vegas-themed track.
The game is the first in the "Need for Speed" series and it doesn't disappoint(even for a early 32 bit game)! I recommend this game...........................8.0!